Roadmap to a Resilient Region
At Gulf Coast Community Foundation, we constantly look ahead to identify priorities for our region.
About every two years, Gulf Coast commissions a “regional scan” to help us identify critical trends and priorities and develop transformative initiatives to address them. The scan is a planning tool we use to understand the long-term trends and emerging issues that will affect our region and then to articulate shared priorities and the necessary actions to address them.
Our regional scan not only helps guide our funding decisions but also provides community partners, government leaders, and philanthropists with intelligence to inform their planning, work, and giving.

Building Resilience
Our newly released 2019-20 regional scan presents a picture of a region that will continue to change.
The unique creative, cultural, coastal, and community assets that make the Gulf Coast attractive and competitive are increasingly at risk. Our transitioning economy, expanding housing needs, growing congestion, changing climate, increasing cost of living, and looming debt and financial insecurity vulnerabilities could significantly erode the quality of life and community fabric we enjoy today.
But that is only half the picture, and we get to fill in the rest.
A snapshot of key regional indicators shows much progress on several important issues over the past decade. While many of the same broad issues continue to appear among our shared priorities, a changing approach—one focused on action and implementation—can move us toward becoming a more resilient region.
At Gulf Coast Community Foundation, our vision is a future where we work together to lead nimble approaches to regional priorities and develop agile solutions to close gaps, reduce inequities, and mitigate risks. We look to our community, business, public, and civic partners to imagine new solutions, explore bold ideas, innovate novel approaches, and collaborate in new ways. We invite you to join us.
Read the Gulf Coast Community Foundation 2019-20 Regional Scan