Welcome to the New Gulf Coast

For us, 2016 has been all about making waves to transform our region. The latest manifestation of our commitment to matching great potential with action is our reimagined online home at GulfCoastCF.org.


We quietly introduced our new website late last month. Since then, we have welcomed candid feedback, made edits and adjustments, and fixed technical issues. With today’s “official” announcement of the site, we don’t expect any of that to stop. We view the Gulf Coast website as a philanthropic resource for our community. As such, it is only as valuable as its use by our community. Please tell us what’s missing or what we could do better as you explore the new GulfCoastCF.org.

The new site was developed in partnership with Sarasota-based digital innovation firm atLarge, Inc.  The marketing agency had previously collaborated with us on the website and administration of the 2015 Gulf Coast Innovation Challenge, our foundation’s inaugural incentive-grant challenge.  “Our friends at atLarge took our staff’s vision and created us a new online home that is rich with information yet easy to navigate and enjoyable to browse,” said Pritchett.  “It’s also beautifully designed.”

Key features and content within the new website include:

•    Clear pathways for donors and potential donors to explore how they can support their favorite causes through the foundation.

•    Expanded resources for legal, tax, and financial advisors to assist their clients with charitable planning.

•    Pages dedicated to each of the foundation’s regional initiatives as well as other collaborative projects.

•    Direct links to grant applications for nonprofits and scholarship information for students.

•    Easy access to contact information for individual Gulf Coast staff members.

One Gulf Coast friend who visited the site soon after its soft launch said she instantly felt like “that’s a place where I want to be.” That reminded us of something we said nearly six years ago, when we last redesigned our website: “At Gulf Coast, our job is to leave you feeling different than when you arrived, reminded that all you ever wanted to do was make a difference, and knowing that this is a place that galvanizes people into doing just that.” That responsibility hasn’t changed. And we hope our new website does an even better job of helping us to meet it. Please let us know!


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Published: Phillip's Voice: Learn how kindness and philanthropy are deeply intertwined, igniting a ripple effect of generosity and inspiring others to take action and create lasting change.

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Published: Read how mental health needs were one of the top priorities for our Rapid Response Initiative.