I3 Digital Has Launched, Empowering Nonprofits with Free Online Resources

We are pleased to announce the release of I3 Digital, a free, robust, capacity-building website filled with digital resources to support every aspect of a nonprofit organization’s operations. The website, www.GulfCoastCF.org/i3digital, is part of our Invest In Incredible (I3) Initiative and serves as a centralized hub where organizations can access the tools they need to grow, innovate, and lead. 

“Our Invest In Incredible Initiative has been enhancing the region’s nonprofit community for 20 years. I3 Digital amplifies this impact by providing a comprehensive online resource packed with tools, templates, policies, and best practices for a nonprofit organization,” said Gulf Coast’s President | CEO Phillip Lanham. “We hope everyone will utilize this new platform. When nonprofits are strong, our communities are strong. Together, we can invest in the incredible work of our community that ensures a brighter future with opportunities for all.”

The I3 Digital website features tools on a number of topics, ranging from advocacy to strategic planning and programs. There are nearly 40 fundraising resources to download, including tips for successful grant writing, a gift acknowledgement procedure, and creating an effective annual appeal. Operational aspects of an organization are also covered on I3 Digital with over 55 downloadable resources ranging from sculpting a high performing board to succession planning and continuity management procedures. Financial resources including IRS Form 990 Basics, company debit and credit card policy, and a preparation checklist for an auditor make up some of the 25 resources listed under the Finance tab.

We invite the community to share their feedback as we grow and deepen the suite of offerings for I3 Digital in the years to come. 


Introducing A Free Resource to Support Nonprofits: I3 Digital

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