Gulf Coast Supports Project Partnership for Wellfield Park

Gulf Coast Community Foundation’s Board of Directors approved a $60,000 grant from the Venice Endowment Fund to support field renovations at Wellfield Park in Venice. This partnership between the City of Venice, Sarasota County Government, and Gulf Coast Community Foundation will allow for the restoration of both Soccer Field #2 and the Letson Stadium Football Field.

At their June 28 regular meeting, Venice City Council members supported moving forward with this important project, approving a $142,200 budget amendment to appropriate funds for the City’s portion of the work. This amount includes Gulf Coast Community Foundation’s grant.

Letson Stadium, trees, lot
Letson Stadium, Wellfield Park

"We are honored to support improvements to Wellfield Park in this partnership with the City of Venice and Sarasota County Government,” said Mark Pritchett, president and CEO of Gulf Coast Community Foundation. “The redevelopment of the soccer and football fields will allow generations of families to enjoy the beautiful park safely for many years to come.”

In the partnership, the City will be responsible for turf replacement and pest control treatment. “The City of Venice is very grateful for the opportunity to partner with Gulf Coast Community Foundation and Sarasota County on the soccer and football field restoration project at Wellfield Park,” said Assistant City Manager James Clinch. “This partnership project will benefit two major youth sports organizations and hundreds of families in our community.”

Sarasota County is responsible for sand, soil, laser grading, and all labor and onsite supervision and coordination of the projects. Total project cost is $162,200. “We are thrilled to partner with Gulf Coast Community Foundation and the City of Venice on this exciting project and continue enhancing athletic fields in south county. This important collaboration will support generations to come and benefit kids in our community,” said Sarasota County Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Director Nicole Rissler.


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